The site
It is proposed to replace the existing building with a new 2,600 sqm building, around 2.5 times the size of the current centre, along with expanded outdoor plant display areas and space for concessions.
The proposals
The development will include a restaurant, parking and new access to the site for both commercial and customer vehicles as well as pedestrian access. There is also the opportunity to provide a new community space within the garden centre.
Hillier has pledged to provide apprenticeships, training programmes and skills exchanges to the local community.
Employment and educational opportunities will provide an economic boost in the local area. The scale of the development will increase footfall, with the potential for local businesses to tap into accessing the increase in customer traffic.
Ecology and environment
Hillier is an environmentally conscious company and will be developing the site in line with their sustainable goals. The development will be a significant improvement on the current building, with a focus on reducing CO2 emissions. Recent developments have been gas-free, incorporated solar panels and upgraded roofing with 100mm thick insultation panels, significantly reducing energy waste.
Highways, access and transport
Yes, there is currently one shared entrance to the site for all commercial and customer vehicles, including pedestrians. The new development will redesign the access route, creating a safer more logical entrance to the site, enhancing the experience for all users.
Yes, the new centre will look different to the existing building. It is being designed to ensure a high-quality finish that complements the character and setting of the site. This includes single storey buildings, constructed from materials that will weather well over time.
An illustrative image to show how the centre could look is included here.
Next steps and construction
Subject to planning permission, we expect to fully open the enhanced centre in 2026.
Yes, we aspire to keep the garden centre open throughout the construction period. We plan to phase the works by closing small sections for development, therefore allowing the centre to remain in use.